The (Re)Start of a Journey Pt. 4

So what is the point of this blog? It boils down to a few things. One, it allows me a place to put down my thoughts on the races and venues that I participate in a longer format then Facebook or Instagram. Two, after all the encouragement I got from the other 30 Days of Biking and 40 at 40, I’m hoping this blog might inspire others to ride their bike more, get into cycling, or complete some lunatic event they’re not sure they can, but have always wanted to try. Third, and perhaps most important; accountability. Encouragement from others certainly did its fair share keeping me on the path early on. The idea that someone was actually paying attention contributed equally. Knowing that people are watching you can be a powerful motivator when you’d rather sit on the couch and watch Captain America: Winter Soldier for the millionth time.

The intentions for this blog are fairly straight forward. It will be more then race reports you’ll see here. Training logs, fun rides, gear breakdowns, new trail system explorations, and just about anything else will land here. It will mostly be about cycling, but I may cover the occasional trail run or some other off the wall topic that’s on my mind. So don’t be surprised to find a long winded rant if the new Star Wars sucks…fair warning(and possibility).

Let’s start by listing the current challenges that could potentially derail my return to racing:

  • Lower back Issues pertaining to riding Singlespeed

  • Middle back is susceptible to back spasms

  • Fitness levels are a work in progress after a 4 year break

  • Lingering hamstring pain for the last several months

Given the problems above I can’t just jump the bike and expect them to go away. I need a fairly robust plan to kick-start my fitness and protect my back. Here’s the general plan moving forward:

  • 3 days per week resistance training including weight lifting

  • 5 days per week on the bike with a mix of mountain, road, gravel, and trainer work.

  • Yoga sessions 2-3 days per week or as needed for additional stretching and core work

The race schedule for next year is in flux, but there are several events that I’ve earmarked as priorities and some that are nice to have. Listed below in order of precedent:

  • Shenandoah 100

  • Big Frog 65

  • Hardford 50

  • 5 Points 50

  • Black Bear Rampage

  • Barnburner 50k at Fonta Flora

  • Chainbuster Racing 6 Hour Series

Why these races in particular? Starting from the bottom; I like 6 hour races. I think they’re fun and the atmosphere is always great with everyone bringing in canopies and coolers. I also like having a year long series goal to shoot for. Barnburner was a lot of fun this year and Morganton, NC is a beautiful area to hang out in. Black Bear Rampage will always be a priority race because Scott’s Bikes puts on a great race and they’re always very active in the cycling community and I want to continue to support their efforts. After years of being the race director for 5 Points 50, it’ll be nice to be there as a participant. Hardford 50 was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to improve on 2019’s time. Big Frog 65 will be a tune up for my “A” race this year, but its also one of the best races in the Chattanooga area year after year. Finally we come to Shenandoah 100. In all my previous years of mountain bike racing I’ve never completed a 100 miler and I know Shenandoah is one of the best. I’m not opposed to adding more to the schedule; especially if something looks fun.

So that’s where I’m at. The 2019 off season has started and its all about training for next year at this point. Of course having fun is also a priority. Follow along should you feel so inclined. If not…well that’s fine too because its not going to stop me from posting my ramblings.